Three Things I’m Grateful For

Three things I’m grateful for is my friends there always there for me I have my close friends and then some that are distant in some ways but I’m still very grateful for them all. Next is my family I love my family so much they always help me with anything or try to help out the best way they can. They always ask how I’m doing or with the ones who I don’t see a lot I still enjoy calling them and having those memorable talks. Last is my sister, my sister means the world to me I couldn’t have asked for a better big sister. We like to hangout sometimes here and there to keep the sister bond together we like to go thrifting or beaches and late night drives anywhere to be honest. Those are some things I’m grateful for.

3 Wishes!

If you were given three wishes, what would you ask for? I would wish for a good future for my self so than I can keep up with things in life and just in general. For my next wish I would wish for some converse because there my favorite shoe brand I have, my last with I would wish for my dream room so it’s nice a comfortable for my liking.

My life recently

Lately I’ve been hanging out with my friends during my free time. I went to Tustin tiller days on Friday and Saturday with friend groups and other friends who went there on the same days as my group I went with originally. I’ve also been hanging out with my family members when I’m not with friends or my other time I’m not busy and when I have time too.

Free writing