My Special Hero

Somebody I look up to as my hero is my sister. My older sister Mikayla is always a person I can always look up to. She is very caring and always helps me when ever I’m stuck on homework. She is very helpful, even when its just helping pick out a outfit for school. I always look forward to hanging out with her every time she comes home from collage. We like to go thrifting or taking long drives a blasting music so loud to the point you can hear it from outside. She is always willing to help out on things she can do and she always try’s her best, she’s not afraid to tell people the truth or what she’s thinking about. Of course she’s not perfect but if we’re being honest nobody can fully be perfect, but in my eyes she almost is. We always steel from each other, it could be clothes,socks, hair products and money well at least most of the time we ask before hand. I’m always going to look up to her as my hero.

To The New Year!

My word of intention for 2023 is energetic. There are many reasons of why I want to focus on being energetic some reasons are I feel sometimes I need more energy in the mornings or just in the daily basis. So I would be nice and awake on weekdays or even weekends so I’m not so low on energy in my body. Ways I could focus on being more energized is by going to bed earlier then usual in my night routine it’ll help me have a full 8 hours of rest and keep me energized during the school mornings and rest of the days.